Shortcut command for force quit on mac
Shortcut command for force quit on mac

shortcut command for force quit on mac

This makes accessing the feature from the menu pretty handy. Since applications freezing on a Mac can happen infrequently, it is easy to forget the keyboard shortcut. There are a couple ways to access Force Quit, so read on to find out how. Force Quitįorce quit has the amazing ability to stop a frozen application in its tracks and boot it into cyber oblivion. There is hope though and it shouldn’t involve rebooting. Going to the application menu and selecting quit (or using the keyboard shortcut command + Q) not always work when applications get stuck. Use the way that you feel is most convenient.If you have used MacOS for a long enough time you might find yourself in a situation where an application simply won’t close. We have provided various ways to force quit apps on a Mac.

  • Just click right on the app you want to close.
  • shortcut command for force quit on mac

    Then click on the Memory Cleaner icon in the toolbar.At first, download and install the Memory Cleaner.Follow these steps to force quit app using the Memory cleaner app: Actually, Memory cleaner was designed to clean inactive RAM and speed up your Mac.

    shortcut command for force quit on mac

    In case, the above methods didn’t work successfully, then it’s time to force quit with Memory cleaner. What to do when the Force Quit command still not responding

  • Open your application folder, and launch the terminal.
  • Follow these steps to force quit using the Terminal app:

    shortcut command for force quit on mac

    If all of the above-mentioned steps do not do the trick for you, then you can force shut down the application through the command file. How to force stop programs on Mac using Terminal

  • Select Force Quit from the context menu.
  • Firstly, hold the Alt key and right-click on the app’s icon in the Dock.
  • Here’s how to force quit an app right from the Dock Panel: How to force quit an app using the Dock Panelĭock Panel is an alternative method for Mac Force Quit command.
  • And in the top left corner, you’ll find the Force a Process to Quit(X) then click on it.
  • Select the “hovering” process from the list.
  • Follow these steps to force quit apps using Activity Monitor: You can also force quit the app from right within the Activity Monitor. If you’re using the Activity Monitor to see how much system resources a sluggish or unresponsive app is consuming. How to force quit apps on Mac using an Activity monitor
  • Again click on the Force Quit button to confirm it.
  • In the top corner of the desktop you’ll find the Apple icon, click on it.
  • Also, you can call the Force Quit window using the Menu Bar This shortcut will open the window where you can select running apps and close them. To call the force quit applications windows, press Command+Option+Esc on your Mac keyboard. How to force quit on a Mac using a shortcut

    Shortcut command for force quit on mac